Howdy ho, it looks like you want to improve your Youtube gear eh? Well, if you like how my videos look/feel/sound/taste/smell?, then you’ve come to the right place. Here is all the gear I use (or most of it), with some of my color commentary to help you decide if it’s the right piece of gear for you.
Headsup: most of these links are affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase, there's no cost to you but I get a referral fee which helps me to keep making videos like this :)
As someone that has spent way too many hours/weeks/months researching gear instead of making videos, please remember gear is just there to help you tell a better story. As Casey Neistat once said, you are the painter - all this gear, the cameras, mics, lights, etc. - they’re just your paintbrush. So go paint!
To further reinforce that point, as Matt D’Avella teaches in his Youtube Course - follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of your time should be spent making videos and 20% should be on marketing, which includes research. So if you find yourself spending way too long researching or looking up new gear and not making videos, stop and go shoot! As Lebron James once said - “keep the main thing, the main thing.”
OK, having said all that - my philosophy on gear is to use what you have. Do your best with it, learn it, master it. When you’re ready to upgrade, you’ll know…and you’ll appreciate the new tool all the more.
Have fun, and keep creating! 🥳🎥
Sony ZVE-1 Camera
Sony ZVE-10 Camera